Thanks for visiting! Not a whole lot of interesting news has popped up since my last post on here, which is a good thing right? No news is good news!
Sunday (11/17/13) marks the first day of my third trimester! Jackson is doing super well. We both check out great at our monthly appointments. In a few short weeks (once we hit 32 weeks) we'll have appointments twice a month, and then weekly at 36 weeks. WOW! That, combined with all the classes I've taken, it sorta feels like I live there a little ;). So far, I've taken a 4 part breast feeding education class, a water birth class, a 2 part Labor, Delivery and Postpartum Care class, and a Fearless Birth group meeting. Yay! I feel rather educated, and ready as I can be to birth this baby and maybe even take care of him properly, too!
Jackson spends most of his days sleeping and kicking my bladder repeatedly. Besides the constant trips to the bathroom, its been fun! I feel great, and my energy level has pretty much stayed the same. I do get tired a little earlier in the day, and every now and then I actually take a nap (like on the weekends :P). Hopefully I can maintain some of this energy once Jackson joins us for real...
I still work out about 4-5 times a week (I've had to modify quite a bit) - I think that helps a lot!
I've kept busy on several sewing projects! Keeps me distracted, and it passes the time well. I've been able to use the sewing machine mom bought me a couple years, and its just been great!
Crochet baby blanket! |
Refinished baby swing cover and padding. |
Large minky baby blanket - super soft. |
Still in progress! Puff quilt crib blanket! |
Still a work in progress - putting on the borders. |
These items are definitely not perfect, but they are full of love and hopefully little Jackie will be able to tell that!
Next Tuesday, mom is treating me to a 4D Ultrasound, so hopefully we can get some great face shots of Jackson up on the blog. Can't wait!
Until next time!
Dana Alley