
I'm glad you stopped by to visit! Over the past several weeks, I've felt the urge to create a personal
family blog. Facebook seems to become less personal each and every day. Important updates and new get lost in the feed, and then there is the worry that a huge chuck of my 200 sum friends really don't care about what I have to post. Who can blame them? Not everyone cares about my pets, vacations, horses, food, and baby information like
I do!
But a lot of people
DO, so this blog is for them!
Last June (2013) Seth and I discovered we were expecting our first baby! As predicted, this brings a whole new element to our life, and I want to write about it a ton!
Why the name
Furry Heartbeats? Well, we have a lot of hair around here, with a long haired dog, cat, and horse. My pets are very important to me, so I wanted part of the title to reflect them. When I think living life to the fullest...I think of
heartbeats. A beating heart keeps us physically alive. The gentle
thud thud
thud reminds me that we are fragile, and each second is a gift from God that should never be wasted.
If you wish to read about my various baby updates, family trips and adventures, adorable pets and gorgeous horses, then check back often! I'll have each post sharing to Facebook, so you can get updates that way. OR, you can subscribe via email and get a notification whenever I have a new post.
See you around!